Rumours: Is NEXO Knights getting cancelled?

NEXO Knights getting Cancelled?

A bit of a rumour that started at the beginning of the year with regards to the popularity of NEXO Knights that resulted in some chatter about the line begin cancelled.

Blocks Magazine and Brickset has published a rumour that NEXO Knights is indeed going to end and the the summer wave of NEXO Knights might not even hit the shelves.

I can understand that while NEXO Knights was their next “Big Bang” theme, it did not quite live up to expectations. I personally love some of the sets that has been produced under that banner as there are some really innovative play features designed into them.

23203447661_e906051efd_b 91u5rfZxr9L._SL1500_The introduction of the new elements were great for builders as well but at the same time, the blue and orange parts were a little hard to incorporate into other builds.

I honestly feel that LEGO would still release the summer wave as planned since they should have already been produced by now although I’m not too sure how the response would be.

The concept of “space knights” is intriguing enough but the animated series and online games didn’t quite capture the imaginations of kids.

What does everyone think? Are you all sad to see it go?

2 responses to “Rumours: Is NEXO Knights getting cancelled?”

  1. Adam says:

    My 4 and 10 year old boys like them (especially Jestro), but I’d much rather have classic knights.

  2. James says:

    My youngest liked the Nexu Knights sets, but didn’t care for the cartoon/storyline. PLEASE let this make them bring back the classic Lego knight sets!! Both of my boys love those sets and we would likely buy just about all the sets put out for the classic knights. (History themed sets would also be very welcomed by us)

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