LEGO Eternals Commercial Reveal New Sersi Minifigure!

To expand on the industrious marketing machine that has been working for Marvel’s latest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, LEGO sent some of the Eternal’s cast their minifigure counterparts and filmed their reaction.

The video features’ Gemma Chan (Sersi), Richard Madden (Ikarus), Lia McHugh (Sprite) and Lauren Ridloff (Makkari) all receiving minifigure versions of themselves.

The minifigures they receive all look similar to the ones that can be found in the initial LEGO Marvel Eternals wave save for one minifigure.

Gemma Chan’s minifigure sports a dark blue torso and leg assembly and we all know that her character (Sersi) wears a green outfit in the movie.

From L – R: Ajax, Kingo, Ikarus, Sersi

This new minifigure for Sersi could possibly be found in a future LEGO Eternals set or that it could be an exclusive for an upcoming comic convention.

However, my bet is that as a lot of these collaborations lasts for a good three years, it could be that there was a change in script midway (RE: LEGO Iron Man 3) and LEGO had already designed and produced the dark blue minifigure for Gemma Chan.

Whichever it is, there is another version of Sersi out there and this does not bode well for minifigure completionists. If anyone has any information about it, do drop a comment!

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