LEGO Announces Sale of Cancelled Sets!

In a surprise statement just an hour ago, the LEGO Group announced that they will finally reinstate the sales listing for a handful of sets that were cancelled over the course of LEGO’s rise to being the number one toy brand in the world.

LEGO has caved to numerous years of fan demand that these sets be released to the general public as their collections are incomplete without them and they fetch exorbitant prices on the secondary market due to their rarity.

These sets were cancelled for a variety of reasons but usually after the initial shipments have been dispatched so it is possible to find them in the wild, albeit for an arm and a leg.

“The sets are taking up space in our warehouses and frankly, it cost money to repurpose them so we figured we might as well get rid of them” ~ Huat Yu Duying (LEGO Director of Marketing Integration, Litigation and Finance)

It is understandable that the LEGO group would want to recoup some of those losses when you factor in the amount of work that goes into producing a LEGO set, the design, packaging and eventual shipment.

It is kind of a dick move the LEGO would cancel a set that a LEGO design team worked so hard on. It is great that they are now giving us a chance to appreciate the sets! ~ Bea O’Problem LEGO Fan

Here is the list of sets that will be on sale:

  • LEGO Technic Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey (42113) – USD$199.99
  • LEGO City Crooks Hideout Raid (60278) – USD$39.99
  • LEGO Santa’s Living Room (40489) – USD$19.99
  • LEGO Overwatch 2 Titan (76980) – USD$119.99
  • LEGO Galidor Mokarr (8322) – USD$29.99 (adjusted for inflation)
  • LEGO Phineas and Ferb (3868) – USD$19.99 (adjusted for inflation)
  • LEGO Indiana Jones The Temple of Doom (77014) – USD$199.99

That is a pretty impressive list of cancelled sets that will finally see a general release. The only omission is the original LEGO Architecture Las Vegas (21038) set which I can guess will remain unreleased due to obvious reasons.

Via The Brick Architect

The remaining sets will be on sale from April 1st to April 7th at all LEGO Brand Stores as well as regions with access to, all while stocks lasts.

I’m quite sure that demand for these will be overwhelming but LEGO Spokesperson has assured us that steps have been taken to ensure that the online sales portal will remain up and functional throughout the sale period.

11 responses to “LEGO Announces Sale of Cancelled Sets!”

  1. Gail Callicott says:

    I have all but one, of the Architecture sets……and in my collection, I DO have the Las Vegas Skyline. [not sure why you would say “it will remain unreleased for obvious reasons” but I’m glad I have my set. The Skyline Collection, is one of my favorites. WHAT? No ‘Queen Anne’s Revenge’ or ‘Black Pearl’? Oh, well. I can’t wait to see what Lego releases, this summer! Maybe another Castle? Love you, Lego!

    • DJ says:

      Looks like a failed attempt at an April Fool’s “gag”, Gail.

      The fact it is dated 31 March 2023 would be part of the problem… but you should have been tipped off by the quoted names.

    • Chris S says:

      The original Las Vegas skyline had the Mandalay Bay Hotel, and was due to be released months after the music festival shooting. Lego redesigned it to not include said hotel and later released it.

  2. Truth Seeker says:

    Didn’t see any of these on

  3. Yogi says:

    Lovely Apirls fools, but damit I did want that temple of doom.

  4. I love LEGO because I can make Lego art and and make lots of things like Building Like my own Business it’s my favourite thing to do amazing work for a business so I can make stuff wow it’s amazing 👏

  5. Kathleen says:

    I’d like the Santa’s living room 40489 for my Christmas collection. I don’t see it for sale. When ????

  6. You says:

    What obvious reasons are those? Obvious to who?

  7. Xc says:

    Nice had me fooled

  8. Scott says:

    Where can I purchase any of these? The stores I called have no clue about this article.

  9. Kathleen says:

    I Called LEGO customer service. They found this online article by info I gave the representative while we were talking…..He said this was untrue. NOT selling these. 🙁🙁🙁 I sure wanted Santas
    Living Room. 😭😭😭

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