LEGO Volkswagen Camper Van T2 Rumoured for Summer!

It is right in the middle of announcement season and there has not been much chatter on the next LEGO Creator Expert vehicle, till now.

According to the rumour, LEGO is going to release a Volkswagen Camper T2 Van / Bus once the summer rolls around to ‘replace’ the T1 camper van which was sold for almost a decade.

Both vans / buses are essentially similar in terms of design and function and the distinguishing feature are their front facade.

The original T1 camper van has a “V” shaped design with the logo emblazoned in the middle while the T2 has a radiator grill that stretches across its face.

Frank Boor VW Bus T2 aus LEGO®

LEGO T2 Camper Van MOC by Frank Boor

The are already some LEGO fans who have taken the original LEGO T1 Camper van and modified it into the T2 version as you can see above.

As always, take all this with heaps and heaps of salt till LEGO officially announces this. What do you think? Would you welcome a revisit to the Volkswagen brand of camper vans or would you prefer something else entirely?

(Via Wooden Duck)

One response to “LEGO Volkswagen Camper Van T2 Rumoured for Summer!”

  1. […] war daher auch die Einstellung des „Bullies“ im vergangenen Jahr. Laut dem Brickfinder können Fans aber wieder aufatmen! Laut neuesten Gerüchten soll noch in diesem Jahr ein LEGO […]

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