Fake LEGO Imprinted Bricks Found In China

If you’re wondering if the bricks pictured in the image above is real or fake, I can tell you that these are actually clone bricks with the LEGO imprint on them.

Right about when Lepin started to gain notoriety, a couple of my contacts in China told me that the factories there had the capabilities to replicate the “LEGO” they did hear about the existence of clone bricks with the LEGO logo imprinted on the studs making them indistinguishable from the real ones.

Now thanks to my friend MOCOZone, we may actually have a first hand look at these counterfeit ‘LEGO’ elements.

The two red 1×3 bricks are genuine LEGO and the ones in the middle are the counterfeits. These imitations have been sent to The LEGO Group and they have determined that they do not come from any known LEGO factory.

The only way that one can tell if it’s real or fake is the gloss and the colour. The one on the right is supposed to be yellow but you can see that it is slightly off.

There is also a difference in the surface shine. It is more apparent when you place it next to an original LEGO brick.

Surface shine of the clone brick (right) and original LEGO brick (Left)

There is also a very minute height difference of the bricks. It would be quite hard to distinguish when comparing individually but once you stack them up, it becomes quite apparent.

The LEGO Group is now aware of this being in circulation and are investigating. This doesn’t bode well for those buying elements by the bulk especially since it is quite hard to ascertain the authenticity from a quick glance.

If you have come across any of these knock-offs, do drop a comment here and I’ll send it along to The LEGO Group. Hopefully they will be able to locate the factory (wherever in the world it may be) producing these and shut them down.

(Thanks to Mocozone for the information!)

16 responses to “Fake LEGO Imprinted Bricks Found In China”

  1. Arek says:

    I once bought teddy bears on aliexpress (well known from lego sets; with standard painting). I was surprised because all the elements had a lego sign stamped on the bottom (as original).

    I don’t know if they are fakes or if they actually came from the original factory. I was paying around 3-4 USD for 10 pieces.
    It’s hard to find original Lego parts on aliexpress, so it’s a bit weird … If it’s a fake, it could be a valuable clue for TLG.

  2. Sergio says:

    Lego calls Brick Yellow what we call Tan, so maybe that brick is intended to be comparated to Tan instead of Yellow.

  3. BuHHu says:

    The parts marked as FAKE are from earlier years. It is enough to take a set of 20 years ago and see. Or if there are none, then you can take the parts in Light Gray or Dark Gray, there you will see exactly the same print. At that time, such as Lepin did not yet exist, of course there were Chinese counterparts, but without the LEGO print and the quality was immediately evident.

  4. PY says:

    Mocozone is a self-media platform which always spread fake news to attract public attention, in order to sell his Lego. According to Mocozone’s conjecture he judge whether a brick is real or fake subjectively without providing detailed information about the testing reports and agencies, it is funny and ridiculous.

  5. Roel says:

    That ‘yellow’ brick is not yellow, it’s tan.

  6. Rafal Piasek says:

    When it comes to stacking bricks it is the same wit original LEGO. If you take original Lego bricks and stack them, no two stacks will be of equal height. Especially if those are made drom different colors. So this probes nothing. Other than that, this article is spot on.

  7. […] LEGO Fan Media cinese MOCOZone riporta la notizia e le immagini, riprese poi dal sito Brickfinder, di mattoncini LEGO contraffatti stampati in Cina la cui particolarità è […]

  8. Tracy Reed says:

    You get a similar product for half the price I will continue to buy the fake products over paying double for the real

  9. Annette Mash says:

    I ran across them. There was a supposed 70% off sale. They were cheap so i ordered e sets. Of course i never got tbem. They sent me a gat instead. They only refunded r0 % of my money. It is terrible but i have received numerous emails from them.

  10. dezso hajdu says:

    Yes I bought two vw combi from China so it seems and both are not genuine lego

  11. Martin Walker says:

    I have spent over £ 150.00 on star wars lego from China and haven’t received anything so there is a lot of fake companies around as well

  12. Vanessa says:

    What’s referred to as a yellow brick is actually Beige, not tan. I’d compare than fake beige brick with a LEGO beige one. Lots of parallel goods like Lego being sold on HKTV mall, Lego’s official distributor in Hong Kong. And they use the LEGO brand. Lego should really investigate this.

  13. Greg says:

    As pointed out by another LEGO AFOL, “Mocozone” is a Taobao seller. I was suspicious of this article too, and now it makes sense as to why. Besides the author being a competitor, commenters above have pointed other reasons why the pictures and descriptions posted above could be of 100% actual LEGO:

    -“When it comes to stacking bricks it is the same with original LEGO. If you take original Lego bricks and stack them, no two stacks will be of equal height.”

    -“The parts marked as FAKE are from earlier years. It is enough to take a set of 20 years ago and see. ”

    -“That ‘yellow’ brick is not yellow, it’s tan.”

    Brickfinder Admins, please look into this as I think this could be misinformation that benefits the author and other fake LEGO companies and scares consumers and buyers of second-hand LEGO.

  14. Soni says:

    So many new in box sets being sold in FB marketplace only by sellers with Chinese names. I noticed an explosion of them around June this year – really high end expensive sets. They never have just polybags or starter sets. Too good to be true? Usually is. I really hope they shut this down ASAP.

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