Now that the dust from all the LEGO summer announcements have settled, we can take the time to focus on what has NOT been revealed for a June release and one that is obviously absent is LEGO Overwatch.
I’m a huge fan of the team-based multiplayer first-person shooter and was over the moon when LEGO announced the collaboration. However, after eight sets of LEGO Overwatch, there has been little to no news of the follow-up wave.
There was the first round of six sets back in Jan 2019 gave us the minifigures of Hanzo, Widowmaker, McCree, Tracer, Winston, Pharah, Mercy, D.Va, Reinhardt, Genji, Soldier : 76 and Reaper.
Then later in October we got another two sets that added Roadhog, Junkrat and Wrecking Ball to the roster which makes a total of fifteen characters so far, sixteen if you count the brick-built Omnic Bastion.
There are still a handful of gen 1 characters that have yet to receive the LEGO minifigure treatment like Lucio, Mei, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Zarya and Zenyatta which I’m still holding out for.
LEGO Overwatch art by Avastindy
Brickset has listed six more LEGO Overwatch sets in their database with no further information than the set number that indicates there were plans for a another wave.
One possibility is that LEGO is holding back the remaining sets to coincide with the launch of Overwatch 2 whose release date has yet to be announced.
What I do know is that Shop@Home for Europe and United Kingdom have already flagged the first wave of LEGO Overwatch sets as “retiring soon” so if you are missing any of those from your collection, now is the time to pick them up.
While I’m still hopeful that the next planned LEGO Overwatch sets will hit the shelves, I’m also thinking that it might be the last wave we see of this unique theme.
Would you want to see more LEGO Overwatch sets in the future? Do drop a comment below!
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