LEGO Hedwig Target Exclusive Now Available For LEGO Digital Designer!


I posted the LEGO Hedwig Target Exclusive render file a couple of days ago and thanks to MC Survival Man and a bit of help from Aquaskylet, we now have the LEGO Digital Designer version for you to build your own model!

The version was a really good first effort but there were some discrepancies between the rendered model and the actual one. Granted that there was not enough reference photos at that time, the LDD version had thetime to fix a lot of those inconsistencies.


The version

You can download the LDD file here. Once you have downloaded the file, it shouldn’t be too hard to generate a parts list and instructions through the LDD program.

I took a look at the file and this is the closest model that I could find so far of the LEGO Hedwig Target Exclusive that was raffled off at the Harry Potter preview events at the different stores.

LEGO Hedwig target exclusive owl

Do note that the LDD file is hollow as they allowed you to fill in the non-visible bricks with whatever spares you have. Good hunting everyone!

And If you download this, do give a shoutout to MC Survival Man and Aquaskylet for their hard work in bringing this to you!

2 responses to “LEGO Hedwig Target Exclusive Now Available For LEGO Digital Designer!”

  1. […] this is your chance to build one of your own. Thanks to the kind efforts of mc_survival_man (via Brickfinder), we now have a LEGO Digital Designer (LDD) file that can provide us with the details on how to […]

  2. Mud. says:

    Hello, I have downloaded the model that you provided, and have found that the inside of the book is horrendously hollow and that some bricks are free-floating, and deciding to say that the designers worked on it hard, is just a big joke, its also never explained what the weird brick built M is on the side not shown on the picture of the model here.
    So in conclusion, I would have to say that the model is still superior even though what it lacks in accuracy, it still is able to be built without a problem

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