Sort Your LEGO Bricks with these Custom LEGO Labels

Custom LEGO LabelsTom Alphin, best selling author of The LEGO Architectfirst started this custom LEGO labels project in 2014 and generously shared the labels with the AFOL community.

He has just updated and expanded the label collection to cover 950 different LEGO elements. Each label features an image of the brick/element, the common part name, and part number.

55 new labels were added for mini figures, accessories, plants, and animals in the recent update.

The catch is that the data files are configured for Brother P-Touch Label printers but there is an option to download the contact sheet and you could easily print them using your home inkjet printer.

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The labels fit most Akro-mils and Toyogo drawers which are the popular choices for LEGO storage here in Singapore.

  • Download the labels (Version 2.8): Here
  • PDF Contact Sheet: Here

LEGO Labels on Aiko-Mils drawers ©The LEGO Architect

On a side note, do check out Tom’s awesome The LEGO Architect book if you haven’t already. It is a pretty good read.

Thanks for the labels Tom!

One response to “Sort Your LEGO Bricks with these Custom LEGO Labels”

  1. tom alphin says:

    Thanks for sharing my labels with a wider audience. For more information about the labels, visit

    I have a lot more information about the labels there than you will find in this short article.

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