I was holding off posting about this but it seems like a lot of other sites have been covering it.
The images first appeared on a Facebook page for an online store selling LEGO from Macau where they had this polybag as well as the Batman in the Phantom Zone (30522) polybag for sale as well.
I can’t remember the last time a polybag contained two exclusive minifigures but in this case, we get the Disco Batman suit that we saw in the trailer and the Tears of Batman suit which are both not available in the current line up of LEGO Batman Movie sets as well as the Collectible Minifigure series.
Disco Batman comes with a purple belt accessory which is new colour for that minifigure accessory. This means there are now a total of 3 different colours for Batman’s utility belt.
Here are the known LEGO Batman Movie polybags:
I’m sure this the Disco Batman/Tears of Batman polybag to be really popular with the collectors as this is the only known way to obtain one of these so far.
[…] Movie Disco Batman & Tears of Batman (30607) ein weiteres Polybag zur kommenden Lizenzreihe aufgetaucht. Das Besondere daran: In dem Promotion-Set sind gleich zwei Batman Minifiguren enthalten, die auch […]