The LEGO Batman Movie Minifigure Series Price Revealed

LEGO Batman Movie Minifigure Series Price

The LEGO Batman Movie Minifigure Series

Amid all the hype and fanfare of the official photos for The LEGO Batman Movie Minifigure Series released yesterday, there was one piece of information that has not been addressed yet.

The price.

It has been confirmed for Singapore that the price per for each blind bag will be SGD$7.90 and a box will cost you a whopping SGD$474.

The information was provided by the Brick Shop Facebook page, which is a LEGO Certified Store, when some of the Singaporean AFOLs inquired about the prices when the official photos were revealed.

The Brick Shop confirms the Singapore RRP for The LEGO Batman Movie Minifigure Series

The Brick Shop confirms the Singapore RRP for The LEGO Batman Movie Minifigure Series

Comparing the price of the Collectible Minifigure Series 16, which cost SGD$5.50 per bag, it is a 43% increase.

LEGO Batman movie minifigure series

LEGO Batman’s reaction to the Singapore pricetag for his minifigure series.

There is still no word on the RRP (recommended retail price) for the States side and Europe but there have been talk of a global price hike for this particular series.

A direct conversion of the Singapore pricetag of SGD$7.90 would roughly be USD$5.50 / €5.23 /£4.44 if they followed the same percentage increase as Singapore which is a huge jump.

Batman minifigure series price

Pegged against the Happy Meal index (which is how many McDonald’s Happy Meals you can buy with the same amount of money), this revelation is already proving a little hard to swallow for the local AFOL community.

While I can understand that this a CMF (Collectible Minifigure Series) that is based on a new animated movie with a very popular license, it was still quite a surprise with the announcement.

What do you guys think of the price increase? Have you all heard the RRP for these in your respective countries? Comment in the section below!

6 responses to “The LEGO Batman Movie Minifigure Series Price Revealed”

  1. E.C. says:

    I don’t get how you can base an article off of a statement from a shop that isn’t even officially LEGO. These are not even released to markets yet and if somehow this store is a official Independent toy dealer that sells LEGO then they could be marking it up on their own. Stores like Walmart or Target or smaller distributions can mark up or down the product as they like. This is why LEGO doesn’t price match.

    • Brickfinder says:

      The system works a bit differently here in Singapore. The Brick Shop is a LEGO Certified Store (LCS) who are legally bound to follow the pricing set by LEGO Singapore themselves. This is why we are able to confirm the Recommended Retail Price for Singapore. Sorry if I was not clearer in the post. Hope this clears up the matter.

  2. Randy Seah says:

    The market will decide the pricing. like how recently simpsons 2 are being sold at less than 50% of its RRP.

    but in the end, everyone will just get used to the price.

    Hopefully, each box will contain 3 complete sets (Meaning no extra pieces if 3 ppl share) and that will soften the blow abit for normal collectors.

    • Brickfinder says:

      Thats true. At the end of the day, the market has the final say. Hopefully we will see 3 sets in a box but I have a sinking feeling that it might be two.

  3. […] movie will have a global release on February 10th 2017 and the LEGO Batman Movie Minifigure series will be available on January […]

  4. […] you can see that our earlier report of a global price hike for this collectible minifigure series has been accurate but it does make us question if the next […]

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